Trademark registration: an important decision
Would you like to prevent abuse of your brand? Los & Stigter provides you with expert trademark registration and monitoring.
Trademark registration
Your trademark can simply be used by third parties. If you choose to register your trademark at Los & Stigter, this abuse by third parties will be prevented. Trademark registry is one of the services we provide. Our lawyers are specialists in the field of the protection of intellectual property. They will not only take care of the registration, but they will also be monitoring your trademark. Prior to the trademark registry we will conduct research into the availability of your trademark.
In short, Los & stigter helps you from start to finish with the registration of your trademark.
Why Los & Stigter?
- Experts
- Experienced
- Reliable
- Specialized
- Direct binding between customer and client
More information
Do you want to know more about trademark registration at Los & Stigter? Feel free to contact us.
Why Los & Stigter?
Founded in 1910
Authorized to act for the European Patent Office
Protection on a global basis through an extensive network of professional relations